Copyright © 2016 Billy Burns. All rights reserved.
Masonic Invisible Empire


Let Justice Be Done Though The World Perish

The civil law plays a huge part in Freemasonry.   The civil law supposedly protects the rights of ordinary citizens yet its prime function is to protect the privileged minority in society.  Not least, those who work in the legal profession.  As opposed to the criminal law, which at least purports to treat everyone equally, the civil law is so ambiguous it can make anything mean everything or nothing, at pleasure. LINK

The civil law protects the privileged caste and sinisterly turns up in the first of the three “epochs” in Masonic history, bearing on the “openings of the First or Holy Lodge during the ‘Historical Lecture’ at the ‘Holy Royal Arch exaltation ceremony’,’” which is a ceremony of occultism.  The civil law also plays a role in the “Ancient Landmarks”, as they are called, which state: “One must be obedient, as the Old Charges express it, to the Civil Magistrates, and keep himself from embroilment and mobs in defence of public order.”  With this type of control over the rank and file, or “knife and forkers” as the first three degree members are referred to by the would-be "Adepts", we can see how very few of the hierarchy over the centuries supported social change for the benefit of their subordinates, or for the public weal in general. LINK

If more members of the public took the time to attend civil cases in Scottish courtrooms they would see exactly how “legal” operatives manipulate cases in any way they choose to suit predetermined outcomes.

Out of curiosity, I attended, as a spectator in Court 7 of the Court of Session in Edinburgh on Wednesday, 6 August 2003, presided over by the Masonic Speculative Society of Edinburgh member, Lord Menzies.LINK  In a motion called before him, only one of the party litigants had legal representation.  This lawyer went on at some length regarding four or five specific rules of court.  He was advancing them as supportive arguments or matters of persuasion.  Lord Menzies was not convinced by his argument and explained why.  To my utter disbelief - but not to the disbelief of the many lawyers, or “legal businessmen”, in the courtroom tending their own clients’ lawsuits - Lord Menzies, who is supposed to be neutral, rather than rejecting the motion as submitted, prompted the “legal mechanic” to put forward another rule of court, one defined by the judge that could more properly be accepted.  It was duly advanced and accepted.  On top of this staggering bias, the legal mechanic, who forgot to ask to be awarded expenses, was departing, when the “impartial” judge, or law herdsman, asked him if he was not going to ask for expenses - which he duly did and they were duly awarded.

If we turn our minds back to the miners’ strike of 1984-85 and consider the conduct of the police, we must ask ourselves if their pre-planned actions against strikers should not be construed, in Masonic jargon or otherwise, as activities of public disorder.  The British public witnessed “mobs” of police officers charging at colliers on horseback, while other like-minded officers charged on foot, wielding batons and using them with frantic abandon.  Embroilment is not conditional, dependent on personal bias or discrimination.  Embroilment should not be condemned by Masonic decree only to be defended or supported in practice, contingent on which side the violators are on.  The police, and the armed forces for that matter, should not be allowed to exist in splendid isolation from the rest of society.  They were guilty of embroilment of the highest order against British citizens.

It is laid down in Freemasonry in a single sentence that “The Old Charges state that ‘a Mason is a peaceable subject to the Civil Powers, wherever he resides or works’.”  Tell that to Mahatma Gandhi who was frequently imprisoned by the British for civil disobedience against their evil colonial policies in India.  When independence was gained, Gandhi won worldwide respect.  He once said during the campaign: "They [the British] are not in control; we are.  That is the strength of civil resistance."  Masonry's shallow take on civil resistance only serves the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor.

So the call for a Mason to be "a peaceable subject to the Civil Powers, wherever he resides or works", is a bourgeoisifying hidebound bidding if ever there was one.  For example, failing to comply with the “poll tax” legislation for reasons that it was in direct conflict with the Union With Scotland Act 1706/Treaty of Union 1707 and therefore unlawful, LINK, or because it was immoral, or for any other valid reason, carried a civil penalty in Scotland.  How many Masons, therefore, including Masonic politicians, felt obligated to not only register to pay the poll tax, but felt beholden to defend its questionable legality due to the civil penalty and the affiliated Masonic bidding, while believing it to be fundamentally illegal and immoral?

A Canadian intelligence source spoke of such Freemasonic flunkies in the following terms: “They never discover their own heads because they’re stuck so far up their own asses.”  Their heads were certainly stuck up somewhere well below their dignity during the course of the poll tax.

Speaking of which, it has often been said that the poll tax was fair like the Black Death was fair, in that it was indiscriminate, yet certain politicians were afraid to break with the Masonic taboo tradition laid down by the Old Charges, “a Mason is a peaceable subject to the Civil Powers wherever he resides or works”.

Politicians had the colossal gall to pretend they actually represent constituents when they were either incapable of or were not even allowed to represent themselves.  They should be compelled to declare conflicts of interest to their constituents.  Solemn oaths ensure they have an unrivalled allegiance to Freemasonry, which is a perilous conflict of interest.

It is inconceivable that the Labour leadership is entirely useless, so one has to look elsewhere for what seemed a blatant refusal to take advantage of the Tories’ enormous blunder over the poll tax.  The Labour Party initially declared its political opposition to the poll tax but the reins are largely held and the bit controlled by people who, when it comes to the (knuckle) crunch, only fight policies within the parameters of an already established mechanism: Freemasonry.  This mechanism wields power greater than any political party.  It demands greater loyalty than loyalty to political parties or to any other organisation, and can pull rank on members for any given purpose.  It is said you cannot serve two masters so, taking into account its bloodcurdling oaths, Freemasonry demands total allegiance, irrespective of party allegiance, colour, race or creed.  One can see the potency of power that the leadership of such a cabal can wield.

Opposition  by non-Masonic politicians to pay such a ruthless, illegal and immoral tax LINK can always be unwittingly moderated by the concerted manipulation of Masonic “colleagues”. The poll tax legislation was the biggest political blunder last century yet the party in opposition failed to take advantage.  Letting political opponents off the hook with such glaring bungles do not happen by accident.

The Masonic orchestrated leadership of the Labour Party through Neil Kinnock, pathetically urged: “We must not break the law; we must wait until a Labour Government is voted in to change the law.”  The poll tax was oppressive to the poor - as is VAT on fuel bills and other non-luxury items - but it was left to the people, the parliament of the street, to defeat it.  Some weak-kneed and carefully nurtured politicians had the impertinence and ignorance to claim a victory for the Labour Party when the legislation was officially invalidated.  Meanwhile, Masonic politicians kept smugly quite.  Masonic politicians on the Opposition Labour benches kept deafeningly silent despite the Christian tenet that “oppression of the poor is one of the four sins crying to heaven for vengeance”.

Quoting St Thomas Aquinas in his encyclical Rerum Novarum in 1891, Pope Leo XIII wrote, “When temporal authority and its laws violate God’s law, such an unjust law is no longer law but a species for violence.”

If, for example, the party in power is constantly taking cover behind the slogan, “Uphold the rule of law”, Churches must point out that the principle, admirable as it may seem, is of only limited validity.  Sometimes the law must not be upheld, either because it forbids what God commands or commands what God forbids.  Or because it represents the state behaving as if it were itself God.”

Every individual has the capacity to work out for himself a feasible explanation for otherwise mystifying decisions made by authority.  His own conclusion will be much closer to the truth than the consistent lies spieled forth from the lodges in the Houses of Parliament.

Had man-made laws always been obeyed there would not be one, what we loosely call, “democratic” state in the world today.  Although our nation might be called a democracy, in reality it has never been democtratic because behind-the-scenes committees representing the establishment have always regulated the major part of popular opinion.  As long as powerful people fashion public opinion, democracy, if that is what it must be called, will fall far short of being a fair system of government.  It can be the worst form of tyranny as it is generally used as a tool of the oligarchy.  Today the term “democracy” is widely used around the world to justify replacing a leader of a Third World country with a compliant puppet who will police his country favourably in the interests of financial elitists in the West.  Masonic elitists know that their fraternal muscle crosses all borders. In a republican form of government the individual is not sacrificed to the state; the state is the servant of the people.

Republicanism is founded on the idea that governments are created by the consent of the governed, based upon Natural Law and Reason.  This is constitutional law and is higher than that of any discretionary or arbitrary will of man.  The state is not an instrument of power but rather serves the exclusive purpose of permitting the unfolding of the maximum creative potential of all its citizens by providing them with the same level of education. LINK  These citizens, in that mutually supportive system, are totally committed to the development of the state as a whole. Science and technological development are natural features of the republican state.

The oligarchy’s “democracy” encourages the nation to falsely define the political spectrum as left, right and centre, deliberately keeping the majority of the people in a state of backwardness.  The elite in this system claims for itself the right to plunder the population until death through the mechanism of money-management and modes of taxation.  The oligarchical system views the world as a series of great eternal cycles of birth and death, of construction and destruction.  Death and destruction are considered highly desirable since they have a purifying effect, killing off the weak and enabling the strong to survive.  In this state, science and technological progress is viewed as the real enemy, threatening the eternal cycle.  It corresponds with the concept of man, as a creature, incapable of change, whose “nature” is fundamentally inclined towards evil.

The rule of men over men is derived not from the principles of natural law, but merely from the ability of this or that oligarchical elite to force its will upon its underlings.  Law has no objective basis in this system but is designed to buttress the elite’s “democratic” right to dominate.  The ideologies are diametrically opposed and are irreconcilable.

Dress it up any way you will, the civil law protects only that privileged minority who can afford to buy “justice”, so it would have no place in a republic in its present discriminatory form.  A system which allows powerful people to stifle the truth by threatening financially inferior people with law suits should have no place in any society, far less a republic.

As mentioned earlier, this discriminatory law is referred to in the esoteric Symbolical Lecture of the Holy Royal Arch exaltation ceremony.  The Holy Royal Arch in English Masonry is an elevated grade of Master Mason but still retains the third degree status of “Blue Masonry”.  In Scotland, Ireland and America it is one of the higher degrees of so-called “Adept” Masonry.  Even though there are certain basic unaltered principles that must be upheld for Grand Lodge recognition, there is a cautious and experimental diversity in non-essentials between the Sister Lodges.

The esoteric Symbolical Lecture referred to, states:
“The form of every Royal Arch Chapter, when properly arranged, approaches as nearly as circumstances will permit, to a true catenarian arch.  It is thus we preserve the memorial of the Vaulted Shrine in which the Sacred word was deposited; and from the impenetrable nature of this, the strongest of all architectural forms, we learn the necessity of guarding our mysteries from profanation by the most inviolable adherence to social order and the spirit of fraternal union which has ever given energy and performance to the whole of Freemasonry, thereby enabling it to survive the wreck of mighty empires and to resist the destroying hand of time.  And as we gravitate towards the centre keystone, which connects and compresses the whole structure together, so are we taught to look up with reverence and submit with cheerfulness to all lawfully constituted authority, whether Civil or Masonic regulation.”

In the final sentence the emphasis is once again on the civil law.  This time, however, there is the added implication of Masonic regulation. Curiously, the criminal law is again overlooked, as are God’s laws.  God’s laws are ignored because if it is universally accepted that man is made imago viva Dei (in the living image of God) by virtue of his inalienable equal rights and creative power of reason, and the power to discover and comprehend God’s laws, the obligation to “look up with reverence and submit cheerfully to all lawfully constituted authority, whether Civil or Masonic regulation” appears rather lame and open to sacrilegious interpretation.

“Keystone”, incidentally, in the Royal Arch exaltation ceremony refers strictly to the stone in the crown of an arch and has nothing to do with, I wouldn't imagine, the sobriquet for the legendary Keystone Cops.  On reflection, with all the secrets that abound, how could one possibly know?  It seems as though nothing is beyond solemnising in Freemasonry with its intrinsically primitive superstitions and myths.

In the second sentence of the Symbolical Lecture the “Sacred Word”, deposited in the Vaulted Shrine is the occult’s identity of TGAOTU (The Great Architect Of The Universe) because it is not until a Master Mason, or Third Degree Mason, is “exalted” to the Holy Royal Arch that he learns the unfeigned identity of TGAOTU.

Prior to the exaltation ceremony, TGAOTU is purported to represent any godhead a member chooses in order to appease his own conscience and somehow comply with his own particular religion.  But after the “exaltation” ceremony the rubric is extended and the anomalies removed to reveal that the Masonic god is in fact JAHBULON.  Jah-Bul-On is a sort of unholy trinity consisting of pagan deities.  The unholy trinity is subdivided into JAH, BUL, and ON.  Jah is Jahweh, or Jehovah, the ineffable name for the God of the Hebrews.  Bul is Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god associated with licentious rites of imitative magic.  On is Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of the underworld, a name for the devil for over 2000 years.  Jah-Bul-On is also an ineffable name and the name which, in occult lore, is the solemn word or the Sacred Word, deposited in the so-called Vaulted Shrine.  It is worth repeating here: “Nothing seems beyond solemnising in Freemasonry.”

Another weird element about Freemasonry is the “Chapter Layout”, which in itself is unsuitable for comprehension with its emblematic hieroglyphs laid around, strategically apparently, in the cult’s Inner Temple. For Example, there’s the triangle within a circle within a square; the poniard and trowel; the square and compasses; the shovel, crow and pick; a scroll; and a Bible like an oasis of calm in the centre; all laid out like an imbroglio of polluted imagination.

There are many other superficial maxims.  These are attached to terms such as the Ancient Landmarks; the Principal Tenets; the Great Lights; and the Lesser Lights; the Mystic Tie; the Cable Tow (Italian P-2 Mason Roberto Calvi learned about that privately as it stretched his neck under Blackfriars Bridge in London, pockets stuffed with 12lb of “rough ashlar”, or masonry, which sparked off a casual investigation by the City of London Police, leading to a cover-up of the Masonic murder. The ebb and flow of the tide is mentioned in Masonic ritual. LINK Blackfriars Bridge is the closest bridge on the Thames to the United Grand Lodge of England in Great Queen Street.  A message had been sent out to all Masons and non-Masons alike.)

Roberto Calvi

Then there’s the Hoodwink. If the general understanding of hoodwinking is considered simply deceiving or blindfolding, the analysis is faultless.  The Hoodwink, so the story goes, represents the darkness in which an uninitiated man stands as regards Masonic life.  With this in mind, how many of “profane”, as non-Masons are impudently called, were hoodwinked during, for example, the miners’ strike (6 March 1984 to 3 March 1985)?  Or, more appropriately, how many Masons had the wool pulled over their eyes by their unhallowed, supercilious, ruling hierarchy?  “Craft” Masons were hoodwinked and forced to turn their backs on fellow union members simply because they had sworn an insincerely misguided oath.  For cock-eyed reasons known only to themselves, they were driven to adhere to it with unquestionable allegiance and, as a consequence, turned their backs on fellow miners.

Even more so than the rest of society they are educated to order with a sense of duty to the civil powers and the establishment.  Former colleagues singled them out as “scabs”, and who could blame them? LINK  They were enemies of the entire trade union movement.

Overt suppression of individuality by the privileged caste over a period of many years renders Craft Masons impotent, unable to fight for common rectitude while the rest of society have to flounder along with them.  So secrets and secret oaths be damned.

It is stated in relation to the aforementioned “Cable Tow” that a Mason must be “free from external control”.  The implication of this is far-reaching.  Where, for instance, does this leave trade unionism?  We witnessed the disastrous effect external control had over Craft Masons in times of industrial unrest with Masonic (apron) strings being pulled and union solidarity destroyed by the secret and silent invisible empire.  I referred specifically to the miners’ strike because it was the most blatant case of bending the laws and compelling Masonic trade union members’ to obedience.

Freeing oneself from external control, in line with the Cable Tow threat is an extreme discipline and any non-Mason is entitled to assume that it covers subversion and the undermining of anything and everything outside the Masonic tenets; which few Masons understand anyway.

Consider the dilemma of Masonic collusion to undermine a non-Masonic boss in the workplace.  Or even a superior non-Masonic officer in the police or armed forces, or in the judicial legal structures.  These occupations are riddled with Masons. LINK Have we not all witnessed unworthy wage slaves in all walks of life rise far above their merit?

Someone who is not in the Brotherhood can unwittingly be manipulated by collectively inductive reasoning from scheming Masons to make decisions that go against his better judgement.  Freeing oneself from Masonic internal control could conciliate a Mason’s moral duties with the public rather than threaten them..

The mind boggles! The Hippocratic oath could become the hypocritic oath because no pledges of secrecy have the same (unlawful) air of finality attached to them like Masonic oaths do.  These oaths ensure their secrets are jealously guarded, more through fear of merciless vengeance of one form or another than through admiration or respect.  The civil law, the weapon of high-level Masons, can be a potent weapon for exacting retribution and ruining someone’s life.

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