Tom Minogue

----Press Release----
04 March 2003

Dunblane Inquiry: Secrets finally revealed to the Justice 2 Committee of the Scottish Parliament.  Action is demanded!
  • Petition PE306 calls for the Scottish Parliament to oblige existing members of the Judiciary to declare and register membership of organisations such as the Freemasons, and for new members of the Judiciary to make a similar declaration.
  • The Petition also calls for a register to record such interests and that this register be available to litigants on request.

In today’s hearing, sensational evidence contained in submissions to Petition PE306, submitted by Tom Minogue, will be revealed to the Justice 2 Committee of the intense involvement of Freemasonry and secretive "Speculative Society" members at the “Dunblane Inquiry” chaired by Lord Cullen, which investigated the mass murders committed by Thomas Hamilton at Dunblane Primary School, 13 March 1996.LINK

The cover-up in the Inquiry, of the involvement of senior politicians, serving members of the Judiciary, along with members of the legal profession who are implicated in various stages of involvement with Thomas Hamilton, and Hamilton’s activities involving children, is detailed today for all to read.

Selective quote: “The housemaster tells of prominent Military figures, Politicians and senior Scottish legal figures including Judges, Sheriffs and Fiscals being part of a group called the 'Friends of QVS', some of who took pupils out of school to their houses for the weekend and abused them.  One figure who was classed as a 'Friend of QVS' and had the run of the school (including the shooting range) and was implicated in this abuse was later identified by the housemaster as Thomas Hamilton.”  Page 8, Submission of T. Minogue, 4 March 2003.LINK

The Justice 2 Committee cannot simply stand by and maintain the sinister and disgraceful cover-up of the Dunblane Massacre and events that surrounded it.

It is surely the duty of the Parliament, as I am calling for today, to initiate immediate and independent inquiries into these matters, so that the people of Scotland can see their Parliament acting in the best public interest to expose the evil nature of events detailed in the attached submission, together with the rightful public investigation & exposure of those who were guilty in assisting Thomas Hamilton to obtain his firearms, through Freemasonic involvement.


Contact : Tom Minogue
Telephone: 01383 729869
Postal: T. Minogue, 94 Victoria Terrace, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 0LU.

Tom Minogue
Copyright © 2016 William Burns. All rights reserved.
Dunblane Public Inquiry
Dunblane Whitewash
Dunblane City Sign
Scotland Map


Dunblane Massacre
Read the full list in the Dunblane Whitewash catalogue. LINK
Dunblane Angels
St Blane's Church Dunblane
The stained glass window in St Blane's Church, Dunblane, which commemorates the victims of the 1996 massacre.
Why did Lord Cullen try to bury William Burns' letters to him for 100 years? LINK
Dunblane In Memory
Dunblane Cover-up
WWW Dunblane Whitewash